





さらに遠くの友人や家族と一緒にビデオでクイズを主催する場合でも、社交距離の集まりのために裏庭でクイズを開催する場合でも、AhaSlidessクイズセクションでは、歴史、芸術、映画、スポーツに関するクイズを提供します。 、食べ物などがありますが、以下のクイズでは、誰にとっても何かがある一般的な知識の質問を見つけます。20問のテストには、Stranger ThingsからCharles Dickensまでのすべてに対するクエリが含まれています。下部に答えがあるので、確認できますあなたがどれだけ正しいか

あなたはクイズマスターかもしれませんし、家族や友人と一緒にこの銀行休業日に組織することもできます。 AhaSlidesで20問(かなり難しい!)の質問を10問の5つのカテゴリに分けて収集しました。そのため、Zoomでギャングをまとめる-または家族だけでテーブルを囲み、誰が最も答えられるかを確認してください。

実物と同じように、形式ごとに独自のアプローチがあります。一部はオンラインクイズ形式のプロのクイズであり、解答の提出を求めます。その他は、リラックスした家族での視聴を目的とした1人のFacebook Liveコミュニティです。


世界中の人々がお気に入りのパブ活動をインターネットに持ち込み始めています。私たちの多くがZoomを介してリモートで作業しているので、ビデオ会議プラットフォームを利用してオンラインパブクイズをホストしている人もいます。 Instagramで検索すると、雑学クイズで何時間も携帯電話を見つめている仲間のギャングの画像が表示されます。ほぼ190,000人がFacebookの仮想パブクイズに「参加」しました。

カフートの代替 - AhaSlides


絶賛されたミニシリーズで最近脚色されたように、チェルノブイリの災害は何年に起こりましたか? 1397年から1419年の間にロンドン市長が4回4回言ったのは誰ですか。古典的な英国の民話のインスピレーションは何ですか。米国の2番目の大統領は誰でしたか?ヘンリー8世の妻のうち、女王の葬式を受け取った唯一の人は誰ですか。ツタンカーメンの墓を発見したイギリスの考古学者は誰ですか? 1912年に南極に到達した最初の1人であるイギリスの不運な南極遠征のリーダーは誰でしたか。 1946年から1949年の間に内戦があったヨーロッパの国はどこですか?メルギブソンがブレイブハートで描いた13世紀のスコットランドの騎士はどれですか。 1899年から1902年の間に南アフリカで行われた戦争はどれですか。エルアラメインの第二次世界大戦の戦いが起こった国はどこですか?さて、質問がありますが、どのようにホストしますか?




すべての管理タスクが処理されます。チームを追跡するために印刷しようとしているそれらの論文?それらを有効に使用するために保存してください。 AhaSlidesはあなたのためにそれを行います。クイズは時間ベースなので、不正行為を心配する必要はありません。また、ポイントはプレイヤーの回答速度に基づいて自動的に計算されるため、ポイントの追跡がさらに劇的になります


最良のカフート代替品は AhaSlides.







Covid 19が英国および世界中で封鎖につながって以来、インターネットは完全な祝福であることが証明されています。ビデオ会議アプリは、仕事、フィットネス、友人や家族との連絡をカバーするために私たちをカバーしています、そしてそれらがあなたが非常に成功したパブクイズを主催するのを助けることができる方法です。みんなが酒に酒を入れてほしい





General Knowledge Quiz

We’ve seen lots of people quizzing to get through lockdown and some of those people have been using this as a way to raise funds for the hospice. If you’re hosting a virtual pub quiz for friends, family or colleagues and would like a bit of guidance then look no further. Bringing friends, family and complete strangers together for some mild amusement and a bit of a chat through the medium of virtual pub quizzes.

Hanging out with your pals on Zoom is great, but when you’ve been stuck inside for a month you might run out of things to discuss. Enter the humble pub quiz, which gives you a chance to get silly (and competitive) with pals and provides you with something to talk about as well. It’s not always easy to guide a big gaggle of people through 25 rounds of questions though, so here are some tools that might help you out. With pubs shut, quiz lovers have moved online. It helps to do some simple prep if you’re hosting, including choosing the best tech and deciding on costumes

Once you have assembled your contestants and chosen a day (AhaSlides multiple choice poll is handy for narrowing down a date and time), you will need to pick a platform to host your quiz on. The Guardian’s technology editor, Alex Hern, explains: “Zoom is an obvious default choice to start with. It’s capable of hosting large groups of viewers, into the hundreds, and provides ample tools to the host to share images and video, mute or kick out irritating audience members, and generally control the flow of the event.”

So get the gang together on Zoom - or just get the family around the table - and see who can answer the most. Just like the real thing, each one has its own approach to the format – some are online versions of professional quiz outfits that ask you to submit answers, while others are simply one-person Facebook Live communities that are designed for relaxed family viewing.

Here are 20 new general knowledge quiz questions on everything from the Queen to geography, right down to Pret a Manger

1) One Direction is known for being the runners-up in The X Factor in 2010, but who came first?

2) Which singer has the most UK Number One singles ever?

3) What was Britney Spears’ first single called?

4) Who is the only singer to have ever performed more than one James Bond theme song?

5) Who were the three headliners of Glastonbury 2019?

6) Who is the only musician ever to have been awarded the Nobel prize for literature?

7) Which Beatles song was banned from the BBC for its lyrics?

8) Who was the first female artist to achieve a UK number one with a self-written song?

9) What is the real name of U2’s guitarist, known as The Edge?

10) What is David Bowie’s real name?

11) Which year was the Premier League founded?

12) Real Madrid won the first five European Cups - but which club was the second to win Europe's elite competition?

13) Who holds the record for most consecutive Premier League appearances (310)?

14) Which club won the 2017 UEFA Super Cup?

15) Who was manager of Manchester City when they won their first Premier League title?

16) Who has scored more career goals - Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi?

17) Which Dutch player was voted 'European Player of the Century' in 1999?

18) Who scored the first Premier League hat-trick?

19) Which English referee officiated the 2010 World Cup final?

20) Wayne Rooney scored his Premier League first goal against which team?

What is AhaSlides Interactive Quiz Tool ?

Pub quiz hosts were the early adopters to the lockdown times. Within a week of the official wfh life, breweries and bars had all taken to their Instagrams for wholesome trivia sessions. Since March 29, ‘lockdown virtual pub quiz questions’ has become a Breakout search term on Google, which means huge amounts of people are frantically typing it into the search engine.

Here’s a pick of the best ones on every day. If you were ever in any doubt, the lockdown has categorically proved that Londoners are blissfully, hopelessly enamoured with the pub quiz. It has become one of the most important aspects of virtual socialising.

You may be the Quizmaster or you may want to organise one with family and friends over this bank holiday. We've collected 20 (pretty hard!) questions on AhaSlides broken down into five categories of ten questions. So get the gang together on Zoom - or just get the family around the table - and see who can answer the most.

1) What did the Romans call Scotland?

2) Who was made Lord Mayor of London In 1397, 1398, 1406 And 1419?

3) Who was Henry VIIIs last wife?

4) Who was the youngest British Prime Minister?

5) In which year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?

6) Which nationality was the polar explorer Roald Amundsen?

7) Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?

8) Which English explorer was executed in 1618, fifteen year after being found guilty of conspiracy against King James I of England and VI of Scotland?

9) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte?

10) The first successful vaccine was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. Which disease did it guard against?

11) Which nuts are used in marzipan?

12) What is the most famous Mexican beer?

13) Which country is the origin of the cocktail Mojito?

14) What is Japanese sake made from?

15) Which vitamin is the only one that you will not find in an egg?

16) What is the chemical formula for Table Salt?

17) What does IPA stand for?

18) Which meat is used in Glamorgan sausages?

19) What ingredient is included in food in a Florentine style?

20) Which fish is the main ingredient of Scotch Woodcock?

AhaSlides helps with your Virtual Pub Quiz

Taste banter and regular tiebreakers. Well, you might think the days of showing up in your local meeting room to break the general knowledge loop and play a suspicious version of the price are over, but you're dead.

Although social isolation means that pubs, clubs and bars have been shelved for the foreseeable future, you can still make a weekly pilgrimage to the altar of riddles with a little help from AhaSlides.
Although there are many ways to do this as mentioned here, AhaSlides has a few killer features that we have used in the past few weeks to organize our own virtual pub quiz from the base. our own social security.

Nations are riddling more than ever, and everyone knows history round is a major element of the classic pub riddle. So start thinking about your old school the next time you join House Party, Google Hangouts, Zoom or Messenger – do your friends know their King and Queen ?

If you start to feel like the old gray cells start to rust a bit, then you're not alone. We often forget the day we live together.
Thankfully, pubs are stepping up and doing what they do best – making us smarter – by finding ways to store their weekly pub quizzes online instead. Here, a selection of the best every day

If you've ever suspected, the lockout has clearly demonstrated that Londoners are very happy, extremely passionate about the pub test. It has become one of the most important aspects of virtual society. Why? Two words: organized fun. People have to stare at a screen to interact. It is inevitable. But not everyone can keep their focus on a Zoom call. We all look like we're stuck in the opening credits of Brad Brady Bunch. It is exhausted. You need something to distract from the weird, something that will start conversations you can't start because you've forgotten to turn on the mic. And there, where the tests come.

The owner of the pub quiz is the first to accept the lock time. Within a full week of life, breweries and bars put it all on their Instagram for interesting conversations. Since March 29, lockout multiple-choice questions have become a groundbreaking search term on Google, which means that a large number of people are frantically typing it into search engines.

But if you're tired of taking photos of random objects indoors to get a 'different circle, and can only face another set' who said that? Question, let others do it for you. Literally, there is a virtual riddle to live stream in London every day of the week and we can help you navigate them. However, all you have to do is give your team name (‘Let Get Get Quizzical, take it away. However, there is ALWAYS ALWAYS.

Virtual Pub Quiz is the hottest trending now

Your local boozer might be shut but the pub quiz lives on, with everyone from Helen Mirren to Stephen Fry asking the questions LONDON - Much of the world is in lockdown, there's a killer virus on the loose, but right now there's only one question that needs answering: who was Madonna's first husband?

Half the faces on the computer screen look blank, but other people start writing, and the quiz master moves onto the next round. The weekly pub quiz is a fixture of life for many Brits -- an opportunity to drink with their friends and show off their knowledge of largely useless facts.

The pubs are now shut because of the coronavirus outbreak, but with everybody stuck at home, quizzers are now doing virtual pub quiz "It's pure escapism for an hour or so," said Dan March, who used to run pub quizzes and now holds one a week for friends via the online videoconference service Zoom.

Since our sofas became the buzziest nightspot in town, pub quizzes have captured our imaginations as ways to bond across the internet with friends and family. And cultural figures have not failed to notice their popularity, with podcasts, theatres and celebrities setting up their own digital versions. Stephen Fry, Jo Brand and the brains behind QI are now hosting a regular version for Riverside Studios. You can fund an anti-hunger charity by doing a picture round with the ex-frontman of the Stranglers, have the comedian Ed Gamble ask you trivia that’s been compiled by a jewellery brand, or take part in a massive, fancy-dress recreation of Only Connect organised by Stevie Martin and Tessa Coates of the Nobody Panic podcast.

The comically budget version of Victoria Coren Mitchell’s show that they put on - renamed “Nobody Connect” for copyright reasons - saw them completely overwhelmed by people flocking to answer questions via Zoom. They might have had an upturned tent serving as the show’s customary blue background and one of the hosts confusingly dressed as Richard Osman (“Stevie’s never seen Only Connect”), but they wound up having to turn people away. “We were like: ‘Maybe six people will come,’” laughs Coates. “It ended up being one in, one out: for an online quiz!” Last week, The Covid Arms attempted to break the Guinness world record for most visitors to a virtual pub. Chosen format? A quiz that saw the likes of Russell Howard, Nish Kumar and The Chase’s Jenny Ryan running rounds.

On the National Theatre’s quiz stream, the people merrily saying hello in the live chat hail from as far afield as Australia, India, Germany and Croatia. Quizzers have turned out in their droves to watch Helen Mirren sitting in her bedroom, reading out questions about history. It is also hard not to note that she has a slightly wonky bedside lamp. Or that Lesley Manville has artfully tilted her camera up so you can’t see her bedspread. Given that your quizmaster is in a different location, these events also offer the chance to be a total cheat, if you want to. “But what would be the point?” asks Paul Roberts, the ex-Stranglers frontman, whose Indy-House Pub Quiz sees around 100 teams congregate via Zoom to answer trivia questions interspersed with the odd musical interlude where people dance around their living rooms to songs such as Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire.

“If you’re sitting at home making up things to win a prize, would you feel good the next day? These events are about the coming together; they’ve been driven by popular demand. It’s people working at their best.” As the National Theatre quiz comes to an end, participants really seem to be having fun with the format. Commenters are mock-quibbling over how many points they’re entitled to.

Even Lenny Henry is enjoying joking around with the format. It’s not often that pub quiz hosts reveal their own answers in a shrill tone of shock that suggests they’ve never seen them before. Or exclaim: “HOW COULD THAT BE?” in response to their facts. But then pub quizzes are rarely delivered by knights of the realm across the internet to an entirely house-bound audience. Our times aren’t normal, so neither, increasingly, are our pub quizzes.