AhaSlides helps with your Virtual Pub Quiz

Taste banter and regular tiebreakers. Well, you might think the days of showing up in your local meeting room to break the general knowledge loop and play a suspicious version of the price are over, but you're dead.

Although social isolation means that pubs, clubs and bars have been shelved for the foreseeable future, you can still make a weekly pilgrimage to the altar of riddles with a little help from AhaSlides.
Although there are many ways to do this as mentioned here, AhaSlides has a few killer features that we have used in the past few weeks to organize our own virtual pub quiz from the base. our own social security.

Nations are riddling more than ever, and everyone knows history round is a major element of the classic pub riddle. So start thinking about your old school the next time you join House Party, Google Hangouts, Zoom or Messenger – do your friends know their King and Queen ?

If you start to feel like the old gray cells start to rust a bit, then you're not alone. We often forget the day we live together.
Thankfully, pubs are stepping up and doing what they do best – making us smarter – by finding ways to store their weekly pub quizzes online instead. Here, a selection of the best every day

If you've ever suspected, the lockout has clearly demonstrated that Londoners are very happy, extremely passionate about the pub test. It has become one of the most important aspects of virtual society. Why? Two words: organized fun. People have to stare at a screen to interact. It is inevitable. But not everyone can keep their focus on a Zoom call. We all look like we're stuck in the opening credits of Brad Brady Bunch. It is exhausted. You need something to distract from the weird, something that will start conversations you can't start because you've forgotten to turn on the mic. And there, where the tests come.

The owner of the pub quiz is the first to accept the lock time. Within a full week of life, breweries and bars put it all on their Instagram for interesting conversations. Since March 29, lockout multiple-choice questions have become a groundbreaking search term on Google, which means that a large number of people are frantically typing it into search engines.

But if you're tired of taking photos of random objects indoors to get a 'different circle, and can only face another set' who said that? Question, let others do it for you. Literally, there is a virtual riddle to live stream in London every day of the week and we can help you navigate them. However, all you have to do is give your team name (‘Let Get Get Quizzical, take it away. However, there is ALWAYS ALWAYS.