
AhaSlidesは最高のカフート代替品です ロックダウンを通過するためにクイズをする多くの人々を見てきました、そしてそれらの人々の何人かはホスピスのための資金を調達する方法としてこれを使用しています。友人、家族、または同僚のために仮想パブのクイズ…

カフートの代替 - AhaSlides



カフートの代替 あなたはパブのクイズが完全に欠けていると、多くの魅力が失われると思います。ただし、コミュニティと帰属意識は非常に現実的であり、特にその場で必要とされています。バーチャルパブクイズも同様に提供され、現在、世界中の聴衆を魅了して…

General Knowledge Quiz

We’ve seen lots of people quizzing to get through lockdown and some of those people have been using this as a way to raise funds for the hospice. If you’re hosting a virtual pub quiz for friends, family or colleagues and would like a bit o…

What is AhaSlides Interactive Quiz Tool ?

Pub quiz hosts were the early adopters to the lockdown times. Within a week of the official wfh life, breweries and bars had all taken to their Instagrams for wholesome trivia sessions. Since March 29, ‘lockdown virtual pub quiz questions’…

AhaSlides helps with your Virtual Pub Quiz

Taste banter and regular tiebreakers. Well, you might think the days of showing up in your local meeting room to break the general knowledge loop and play a suspicious version of the price are over, but you're dead. Although social isolati…

Virtual Pub Quiz is the hottest trending now

Your local boozer might be shut but the pub quiz lives on, with everyone from Helen Mirren to Stephen Fry asking the questions LONDON - Much of the world is in lockdown, there's a killer virus on the loose, but right now there's only one q…

Virtual Pub Quiz Dynasty

Pubs might have closed across the UK, but if you're missing the quiz night at your local, there's a way you can get your pub trivia fix at home. Virtual pub quiz has started popping up online, and thousands are joining in. Here's how to fi…

How to host virtual pub quiz ?

The nation is quizzing more than ever these days, and everyone knows the history round is a staple of the classic pub quiz. So start thinking old-school next time you’re on House Party, Google Hangouts, Zoom or Messenger – do your friends …

Free Quiz

Create virtual pub quiz for free at AhaSlides

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AhaSlides provide interactive tool to host virtual pub quiz !!!

AhaSlides Virtual Pub Quiz

It’s more than months since we went into lockdown now, but with the reopening of pubs still not in sight the popularity of the AhaSlides pub quiz should continue for a good while yet. With that in mind, AhaSlides is continuing to provide m…