What is AhaSlides Interactive Quiz Tool ?

Pub quiz hosts were the early adopters to the lockdown times. Within a week of the official wfh life, breweries and bars had all taken to their Instagrams for wholesome trivia sessions. Since March 29, ‘lockdown virtual pub quiz questions’ has become a Breakout search term on Google, which means huge amounts of people are frantically typing it into the search engine.

Here’s a pick of the best ones on every day. If you were ever in any doubt, the lockdown has categorically proved that Londoners are blissfully, hopelessly enamoured with the pub quiz. It has become one of the most important aspects of virtual socialising.

You may be the Quizmaster or you may want to organise one with family and friends over this bank holiday. We've collected 20 (pretty hard!) questions on AhaSlides broken down into five categories of ten questions. So get the gang together on Zoom - or just get the family around the table - and see who can answer the most.

1) What did the Romans call Scotland?

2) Who was made Lord Mayor of London In 1397, 1398, 1406 And 1419?

3) Who was Henry VIIIs last wife?

4) Who was the youngest British Prime Minister?

5) In which year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?

6) Which nationality was the polar explorer Roald Amundsen?

7) Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?

8) Which English explorer was executed in 1618, fifteen year after being found guilty of conspiracy against King James I of England and VI of Scotland?

9) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte?

10) The first successful vaccine was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. Which disease did it guard against?

11) Which nuts are used in marzipan?

12) What is the most famous Mexican beer?

13) Which country is the origin of the cocktail Mojito?

14) What is Japanese sake made from?

15) Which vitamin is the only one that you will not find in an egg?

16) What is the chemical formula for Table Salt?

17) What does IPA stand for?

18) Which meat is used in Glamorgan sausages?

19) What ingredient is included in food in a Florentine style?

20) Which fish is the main ingredient of Scotch Woodcock?